North Central HIDTA

High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas

National HIDTA program launches
Milwaukee County is designated the first North Central HIDTA county
Minnesota joins the North Central HIDTA
North Central HIDTA now has 39 Initiatives through out Wisconsin and Minnesota


The North Central High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) is a federal program designed to encourage federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies to work together. In creating multi-agency task forces, North Central HIDTA supports law enforcement in the reduction of specific drug threats in Minnesota and Wisconsin. North Central HIDTA is a national standard for collectively sharing information that targets and dismantles the most significant Drug Trafficking Organizations and Money Laundering organizations posing the greatest threat to our community.

Substantially reducing drug trafficking activity and related violence through enhanced intelligence processes and coordinated law enforcement, prosecutions, and demand reduction efforts.



North Central HIDTA offers meaningful, timely and targeted training. Specifically designed to enhance drug enforcement, analysis, prevention, and treatment efforts. Courses are offered to public safety and public health professionals in the Minnosota and Wisconsin Region.

Creating drug free communities through proactive law enforcement, aggressive prosecution and effective demand reduction in the HIDTA region.